Showing posts with label Format with multiple columns. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Format with multiple columns. Show all posts

Thursday 4 April 2019

Crystal Report - "Format with multiple columns"

In this post, I will explain ‘Format with multiple columns’ feature of the crystal report.

In some situation, we want to print data in multiple columns instead of data print straight down the page. In crystal report, we can achieve this by using "Format with multiple columns" feature of the crystal report.

List of cities to format with multiple columns
List of cities to format with multiple columns

 To create a multiple-column report:

1. Open the report to format with multiple columns.

2. Right-click on details section, click Section Expert.

3. In the Section Expert, Under Common tab select Format with Multiple Columns checkbox.

This will add a Layout tab to the section expert.
Select Format with multiple columns
Select Format with multiple columns

4. Click the Layout tab and set the Width you want for columns.
Set Width and Horizontal and Vertical gap
Set Width and Horizontal and Vertical gap

5. Set the Horizontal and Vertical gap between each record in columns.

6. In the Printing Direction area, choose a direction.

Across then down - Will print value in next column then in next row.

Result of Across then down
Result of Across then down

Down then across – Will print value in next row till page end then in a new column.

Result of Down then across
Result of Down then across

7. Select Format Groups with multiple columns, if report formatting contains grouping.

8. Click OK.