Showing posts with label Azure Storage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Azure Storage. Show all posts

Saturday 22 August 2020

Comparison between Azure data storage and on-premises storage

Azure Storage is a service offered by Azure cloud to store and maintain data on azure cloud. The term "on-premises" refers to the storage and maintenance of data on local hardware and servers. There are several factors to consider when comparing on-premises to Azure data storage.


An on-premises storage solution requires dedicated hardware that needs to be purchased, installed, configured, and maintained. This requirement can be a significant up-front expense (or capital cost). Change in requirements can require investment in new hardware. Your hardware needs to be capable of handling peak demand, which means it may sit idle or be under-utilized in off-peak times.

Azure data storage provides a pay-as-you-go pricing model, which is often appealing to businesses as an operating expense instead of an upfront capital cost. It's also scalable, allowing you to scale up or scale out as demand dictates and scale back when demand is low. You are charged for data services only as you need them.


On-premises storage requires data backup, load balancing, and disaster recovery strategies. These requirements can be challenging and expensive as they often each need dedicated servers requiring a significant investment in both hardware and IT resources.

Azure data storage provides data backup, load balancing, disaster recovery, and data replication as services to ensure data safety and high availability.

Storage Types

Sometimes multiple different storage types are required for a solution, such as a file and database storage. An on-premises approach often requires numerous servers and administrative tools for each storage type.

Azure data storage provides a variety of different storage options including distributed access and tiered storage. This variety makes it possible to integrate a combination of storage technologies providing the best storage choice for each part of your solution.


Requirements and technologies change. For an on-premises deployment, these changes may mean provisioning and deploying new servers and infrastructure pieces, which are a time consuming and expensive activity.

Azure data storage gives you the flexibility to create new services in minutes. This flexibility allows you to change storage back-ends quickly without needing a significant hardware investment.

The following table describes the differences between on-premises storage and Azure data storage.

Comparison between Azure data storage and on-premises storage

Thursday 7 May 2020

Cloud Storage Services

Cloud Storage is a model of computer data storage in which the digital data is stored in logical pools. The physical storage spans multiple servers at different locations, and the physical environment is typically owned and managed by a cloud provider. These cloud storage providers are responsible for keeping the data available and accessible, and the physical environment protected and running. People and organizations buy or lease storage capacity from the providers to store user, organization, or application data.

Most devices and applications read and/or write data. Here are some examples:
  • Buying a movie ticket online
  • Looking up the price of an online item
  • Taking a picture
  • Sending an email
  • Leaving a voicemail
In all of these cases, data is either read or written. The type of data and how it's stored can be different in each of these cases.

Cloud providers typically offer services that can handle all of these types of data. For example, if you wanted to store text or a movie clip, you could use a file on disk. If you had a set of relationships such as an address book, you could take a more structured approach like using a database.

The advantage of using cloud-based data storage is you can scale to meet your needs. If you find that you need more space to store your movie clips, you can pay a little more and add to your available space. In some cases, the storage can even expand and contract automatically - so you pay for exactly what you need at any given point in time.

Microsoft Azure provides following types of storage services,
  • File Storage
  • Queue Storage
  • Table Storage
  • Cosmos DB
  • SQL Database
Azure Storage
Azure Storage Services